The story behind


Flying shelf products for Vitasnella


From the collaboration between Danone, Young & Rubicam, Kinetic, Grab The Lightness by Vitasnella is born, an activation of shopper marketing aimed at engaging the consumer at the point of sale with an unconventional approach. The pilot project starts in Milan.


NC Digital Awards 2017

🥈 Altre soluzioni digitali 

ADCI awards 2017

🥈 Promo & Activation

🥈 Design

NC Awards 2018

🥇 Packaging & Design

🥇 Comunicazione sul punto vendita


Danone wants to reaffirm its leadership in the light yogurt market and in particular in the casting segment. It was requested to carry out an activity that made the lightness, the main value of the Danone brand, tangible through the creative use of the store as a media.

amigdala Partners involved