The story behind


LIMB.0 Artificial intelligence meets humans emotions


LIMB.0 is a series of experiments created by Amigdala that aim to connect people with artificial intelligence able to recognize and interpret human emotions and transform them into light and sound.

What is Limb.0 ?

In a historical moment in which human intelligence discovers artificial intelligence,, has decided to design an interactive media art installation to create a phygital space (LIMB.0) to put people in touch, all of them, with a computer able to guide them in an exploratory experience of man-machine relationship, based on human emotions and on screen-less interfaces.

As in each relationship you can decide whether or not to show your emotions and how much to allow yourself to interact with the other. As we all know, in a first meeting, the word has a much lower weight compared to body and face language, which is why we decided to give LIMB.0 a personalized voice but to concentrate on interacting on the recognition of emotions thanks to face analysis. LIMB.0 today is able to recognize gender, age range and identify 40 emotions thanks to the MorphCast SDK technology and then transform them into colors and sound in real time to return an immersive, personalized environment.

With these experiments we have a single goal, creating an opportunity for a meeting between human intelligence and artificial intelligence and to explore a brief relationship to make the public reflect on this issue. Any errors and inaccuracies, as well as the possible non-correspondence of the colors with respect to personal expectations are part of the experiment, part of the reflection that each guest will be able to make thanks to the experience of interaction with LIMB.0

Past Exhibitions

LIMB.04 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 of October - At AIXA MiCo Fiera Milano (ITA)

LIMB.03 - 10 + 11 + 12 of October - At Digital Design Days, Superstudio Group Milano (ITA)

LIMB.03 - 28th of September - At TEDx Lugano, Palazzo dei congressi Lugano (CH)

LIMB.03 - 17-18-19 July at Sonar +D Barcelona

Your Love Energy (Branded) - 8th + 9th of June 2019 at Triennale di Milano as "Your Love Energy" Branded Installation inspired by LIMB0 and designer by Amigdala

LIMB.02 - 18 May 2019 at TEDx Bolzano

LIMB.0 - 21st + 22nd Feb. 2019 at Frame Awards + Frame Lab
Kromhouthal - Gedempt Hamerkanaal 231 - 1021 KP Amsterdam - The Netherlands

LIMB0 In The News

Red Milk Magazine about Sonar 2019

TGR about TEDx Bolzano

amigdala Partners involved
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